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Jack Raptor
"The difficult I do instantly, the impossible takes a little longer"
Title: Military Enthusiast and Gentleman
Full name: Jack Michael Estfeld Raptor
Also known as Gunner
also known as Gunny
also known as Raptor
Age: 17
Birth Date: April 1st 1856
Place of Birth: Plymouth, England
Nationality: British
Allegiance: The Queen, Country and Himself
Ship: The Britannia
Rank: Apprentice Gunner
Occupation: Apprentice


Chinese Zodiac: n/a Element: n/a Blood Type: 'A+'
Accent: British (Cornish) Orientation: Caucasian Favourite Colour: N/A Personality Song: Carny of Mr Dark by Deathwatch Beetle Repairman

Physical Appearance[]

Hair Colour: Dark Brown Hair Length: Short-medium Eye Colour: Blue Height:
Scars: Two on stomach Tattoos: N/A Piercings: N/A Build: Lean

Family and Relationships[]

Family: John Western Estfield Smith, whereabouts unknown, presumed alive.

Romantic Relationship: None

Friends: 154th Gunner Battalion 'Sturm Raptors'

Job and Weapons[]


Gunner in the RAN

Gun preference:

Webley 1127 Revolver.

Other Weapon Preference:

Officer's Cutlass.

800mm Sturmcloud-class cannon (on board the Britannia only)


Jack was the son of a inn barmaid, Jane Michael Lestrange, and a Army Infantryman, John Western Estfield Smith. Jack's father was sent to the rebellion of India in 1857, a month before Jack was due, and did not return. Jane gave birth to Jack, named him, then died of complications of the birth. Jack was then taken to the workhouse, where he was sent to work as soon as he could walk. True to his father's nature, Jack became very interested in the military. He dreamed endlessly of joining the mighty Imperial Anti-Piracy Squad, but alas, only the best of the best would be drafted into it. So, when Jack became of age, he signed up for the Royal Air Navy, where his time in the workhouse had paid off in being able to follow orders correctly and to the letter.

Since then, Jack has been a member of the RAN and fights for his country. The 'Raptor' came from the regiment he is currently assigned too, the 154th Gunner Battalion 'Sturm Raptors'

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